
The guest experience in focus paid off

The guest experience in focus paid off in the Best Guest Experience Award 2018 During spa days, the year's largest industry event for the spa industry in the Nordic region, the winners of Svenska Spahotell's newly established award "Svenska Spahotells Best Guest Experience Award".*

The gold was awarded to Upper House Spa, the unique, five-star spa hotel located at the top of Gothia Tower's middle tower, in the heart of Gothenburg. 

Svenska Spahotell congratulates Lisette Norberg, Director of Front Office & Spa at Upper House, on the well-deserved award for best guest experience among Swedish spas. – What does this prestigious award mean to you? " Fantastic fun! So great that our commitment and passion are paying off. Our team is passionate about offering our guests a unique spa experience and receiving this award from them means extra," says a proud Lisette.

Loka Brunn was awarded Silver and we at Svenska Spahotell congratulate Mia Spendrup at Loka Brunn. "The nice second place in this category means that you offer Sweden's second best guest experience among spa hotels. What is so unique about Loka Brunn? "We are very happy and proud of this award, especially considering that the result is based on what our guests think of us. Our guests are the most important thing we have and we are constantly working to ensure that our high level of service is maintained," says Mia Spendrup.

The newly renovated Orbaden Spa & Resort received Bronze from the Swedish spa customers. Congratulations to Helene Åkerström Hartman, Orbaden's owner, for an honorable third place in Svenska Spahotell's Best Guest Experience Award 2018. The price means that your hotel is one of the three best spa hotels in Sweden and actually outcompetes several much larger and more well-known facilities. What's the secret to guests enjoying themselves so much at Orbaden Spa & Resort? What does the price mean to you? " Incredibly fun! We hear it all the time from our guests and then you think a little that they are nice, but these are facts," smiles Helene and continues; "I think guests appreciate the warm personal atmosphere. It is a genuine and genuine experience to be with us. Most of the staff have worked for many years, are knowledgeable and engaged. We have our own profile with a very local character and the spa feeling and tranquility are available throughout the resort. Orbaden is located in a completely unique place and for a spa it is difficult to find a more suitable and more beautiful environment!

The Association Svenska Spahotell consists of around 40 carefully selected spa hotels and day spa facilities with a clear common focus on high-quality guest experiences. With awards like this, we want to send a motivating message to our facilities, as it so clearly shows that it pays to always have the guest experience in focus. "We at Svenska Spahotell know that it is precisely this – focusing on the guests' overall experience – that makes a facility successful," says Sara Hellgren, Marketing Manager at Svenska Spahotell.  

"Something that is extra fun about this year's three laureates is that it shows the breadth of our fantastic member facilities," continues Sara. Upper House in Gothenburg, a relatively new, five-star city hotel in the luxury segment, Loka Brunn in Bergslagen, an historic 18th-century spa resort and Orbaden Spa & Resort, a small, privately owned facility with a scenic location in Hälsingland, have succeeded in meeting and exceeding guests' expectations of their spa stay with their completely different locations and conditions.

"We hope that this inspires our other member facilities to continue to focus on developing the guest experience. This year's laureates clearly show that it's not about geography, standard or price range to be able to offer guests the best experience – it's about the right attitude and wanting to put the customer in focus," concludes Sara.   

*The result is based on over 100,000 reviews taken from 250 sites, such as Facebook, Tripadvisor, Google, Expedia etc in the last 24 months. This report is produced by trustyou software supplied by TAC IT.

Footnote: The award "Svenska Spahotells Best Guest Experience Award" can be awarded to spas that are part of the Association svenska Spahotell. Spas outside the association are not included in the assessment documentation. To be a member of Svenska Spahotell you need to meet a number of criteria, based on the four cornerstones of spa; physical exercise, rest, food & drink and treatments. More information about all member facilities can be obtained at svenskaspahotell.se


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Nu smälter snön och man börjar känna suget att komma ut i naturen. Vi vill flagga lite extra för våra trevliga vandringspaket som kombinerar spa med en härlig naturupplevelse. Här kan du vandra i berg, skog eller efter älven.



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